Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Reply

This is a comment which I posted as a reply to one of my friend's poems on her blog. The poem on her blog is titled 'Just recovered' and you will find it here:

You can check this link for better understanding of what is to follow in this post;

I taught you to live, pains inside your heart to relieve,
I just made you realise the facts,
Made you see the put on acts,
Showed you how people can cheat,
Leave you alone in the scorching heat!
Made you realise what dangers can trust do to you,
Why blame me if you did that with me too?
What I did was not betrayal my dear,
I'll never hurt someone who's so close to me and near.
It was just a point of no return,
Where I had to choose whether to hold your hand or let the thread burn!
I chose the later and now I realise what I've done,
I know you won't return now and the chances of that are none.
Will it help you if I you hear me cry?
Or will you see my face only the day when I die?

P.S The reply is in a similar style of writing called 'The freestyle writing'in which the poem on my friend's blog has been written


  1. Ha ha ha ...I can totally relate ...but nicely written bro! A welcome retaliation

  2. So you got your baby back :)
    As I had said, this poem is outstanding. The real meaning would be understood if one read Sowmya's poem first
    Keep it up dude

  3. @Vishal
    Thanks bro..I know what you are thinking....;-)Lol

  4. @Niteesh
    Yeah dude..That is why I have given the link over there.Thanks.

  5. sir, even i read bhashe's poem. it is pain filled poetry. if u can read kannada, pl. visit my blog

  6. @Badrinath
    I am sorry, I can't read Kannada.
