Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mixed Feelings!!!

Countering mixed emotions has really been a tough job for me off late. 5 days to go for the marriage...guess I am justified in feeling so, right? A lot of people these days don’t ask me how I am doing, but yeah, so……how are you feeling?? Believe me, I didn’t feel like anything unless all these guys hammered me with the same question time and again!!! And they succeeded eventually...Now I am having mixed feelings and I still, can’t answer how I am feeling about it….It’s tough explaining that feeling as well.
It is similar to a person who gets the man of the match award in cricket but his team loses or your best friend flunking the same exam where you aced! It’s a feeling where you are happy individually and if you check the typical human behavior of being selfish (Lol) then one shouldn’t be bothered enough. But then, these social factors make us think about others. Like in my case, I thought I had to feel something odd just before getting married…In this case I am going to be the person who gets the man of the match award as I am really happy getting married to a person I love and I have known since long now and not going and tying the knot with some random chick who my parents choose. However, now, thanks to all the people asking me that redundant question, I am feeling a little sad about the fact that bachelor days are over!!! Think, it’s scary, so many responsibilities, answering your wife, owing an explanation for small things…No…Won’t be the case here guys!!
I’ll tell you the secret word- Compatibility. Keep counter attacking the word in different ways, you will eventually find the compatibility….. :-) Simple, isn’t it?


  1. This mixed feeling thing happens with everyone. Anyways,all the best dude for your life ahead and many many congratulations

  2. Congrats bro for ur marriage, wish u both a wonderful life forever.. i know u would :)
    Anyways this message is especially for ur writings.. Love ur blogs seriously!!!
    Move ahead, write a novel now :)

  3. @ Prakhar
    Thanks a lot for the wishes bhai...And whoa, what a compliment...Thanks a ton for those too..If I keep getting viewership for my blog like yours then one day I'll surely write a novel...ESRC-5th block....Lol...Anyways...there's a new post on the blog already...Men will be men..Check it out.I am sure you'll like that one as well...Hahaha
